The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they cover all the spheres of forest ecosystem management from the viewpoint of society´s demands for production and non-production benefits of forests.
+ show moreSubjects of the branch of study provide a complex survey of knowledge needed to understand and master the problems of applied zoology, wildlife management, and forest management.
+ show moreForestry
The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they improve basic knowledge obtained in the preparatory subjects of the Bachelor´s degree, especially from the sphere of applied zoology and wildlife management (protection of animals, special game keeping, world wildlife management, falconry). Several subjects present cross-sectional disciplines focused on forest management, nature conservation... + show more
The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they cover all the spheres of forest ecosystem management from the viewpoint of society´s demands for production and non-production functions of forests.
+ show moreThe compulsory and compulsorily optional subjects within the study programme of Forest Ecology correspond to the content of the branch of study of Forestry for the 2nd degree in all aspects. The subjects follow the knowledge obtained in the programmes of the Bachelor´s degree at the Faculty of Forestry, they include deepening knowledge of special forestry disciplines and they complete a spectrum of... + show more
The graduates of the MSc programme of Geoinformation and Mapping Technologies in Forestry obtain, on the one hand, deepening knowledge as well as other practical experience of forestry disciplines and areas, and on the other hand, special knowledge of geoinformatics and mapping.
+ show moreForestry
Štruktúra predmetov študijného plánu ako aj iných činností doktoranda zodpovedá opisu študijného odboru. Ekológia lesa tiež v minulosti označovaná náuka o lesnom prostredí je rozľahlý obor zaoberajúci sa štúdiom vzťahov a spoločenstvami organizmov v lese. Ekológia lesa teda predstavuje integrovaný študijný odbor, ktorý skúma ekosystém lesa, ekologické základy jeho produkcie a trvalej udržateľnosti, kde... + show more
The aim of the study programme is providing a complete university education of the 3rd (PhD) degree. The graduate has to master scientific methods of the basic botanical and ecological research with a special regard to the application in taxonomy of lower and higher plants, genetics and physiology of forest tree species, phytocenology and forestry typology, plant ecology, but also preserving... + show more
The aim of the study programme is to provide a complete university education of the 3rd (PhD) degree. The graduate of the study branch of Forest Management has to master the scientific methods of research, development and practical implementing the principles of providing sustainable use of forest ecosystems while applying all forest functions (ecological, environmental, and of production).
+ show moreThe subject composition of the study plan as well as other activities of the PhD student correspond to the description of the branch of study. They are the subjects focused on particular geospheres, advanced bio- and eco-climatological, eco-physiological knowledge, in the sphere of creating, protection and the use of forest ecosystems capable of adapting on the basis of genetic structural and... + show more