Subjects of the branch of study provide a complex survey of knowledge needed to understand and master the problems of applied zoology, wildlife management, and forest management.
The graduates of the study programme – Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management – find a post at lower managerial levels as employees in the civil service authorities within the province of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR and the Ministry of the Environment of the SR, in regional forest offices, district forest councils, in the branches of Lesy SR (Forests of the SR, state-owned company) Banská Bystrica (forest administration), in positions of hunting managers, in the bodies of the Slovak Hunting Union, in the private sector (menagerie, pheasantry, animal farms, cynology, guns and ammunition, hunting tourism), as specialists conducting the monitoring of animal species populations following the EEC Habitats Directive and the EEC Birds Directive, and in evaluating the favourable status for the species in relation to the EU program NATURA 2000.