2. Scientific work for the competition
The work for the competition should have the character of an original scientific work. The scope of work is not precisely determined, 10-20 pages are recommended, including appendices (pictures, tables, literature and photographs). The work can also be prepared in a foreign language, in agreement with a member of the competition board. In case of sufficient interest, a special section will be created for works presented in a foreign language.
Recommended structure of scientific work:
The work contains the following parts:
Title page – begins with the name of the department, faculty and university, continues with a brief and concise title (maximum 12 words), name and surname of the student, designation "work of the WHO", year of the student, name and surname of the supervisor, year of writing.
Abstract – a brief summary of the work in the language in which the work is done, keywords are included.
Content of the work
- Introduction and issues – formulation of the scientific problem and the relationship of the work to previous works with similar issues. The introduction should be concise and factual.
- Objective of the work– briefly and clearly defined goals that the work should achieve.
- Material and methods – working procedure described in a sufficient way. The experimental material should be presented in such a way as to concisely characterize the object of research with regard to the objective on which the research is focused.
- Results – accurately and clearly presented data and data from the evaluation of experimental material.
- Discussion – confrontation of the obtained results with the results of other authors. If appropriate, the chapter Results and Discussion can be mentioned in the common section.
- Literature – list of all used literature. Only the publications mentioned in the text are listed. Citations should be listed alphabetically by first author name.
- Attachments – pictures, tables, literature and photographs.
- Contact details – name and surname of the author, department, address, email, telephone
Abbreviations, marks, formulas, foreign letters must be written uniformly and correctly. Formulas and equations with indices must be written with the correct graduation to the base line. The equations should be marked on the right margin with a serial Arabic number in parentheses. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively, with a concise title for each table (above the table) and figure (below the figure). In the work it is necessary to provide a reference to the table or. image if the text refers to their content. Tables and figures may be part of the text or may be given as an appendix at the end of the thesis, which must be marked as a separate chapter with the title of the appendix without numbering. The work of ŠVOČ should be prepared in the Slovak language in two copies in A4 format, bound in any form, i. quick bond, comb bond or hard bond.
The scientific work can be submitted as an original scientific work. The best works will be published in a peer-reviewed proceedings.
The printed work must be submitted in 2 copies on the day of the students competition to the relevant section officer before the start of the presentations.