Enrollment process information - Bachelor's study academic year 2025/2026
The Faculty of Forestry offers bachelor studies in 2 study programmes (SP).
The length of the full-time (FT) study is 3 years, as well as in the part-time (PT) study.
The part-time study is charged per academic year (see https://www.tuzvo.sk/sk/skolne-poplatky-spojene-so-studiom).
Graduates obtain a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree.
study program |
study form |
degree |
length of the study |
admission plan |
Forestry |
Bc. |
3/3 |
110/20 |
Applied zoology and wildlife management |
Bc. |
3/3 |
60/20 |
Basic conditions for admission to the Bachelor's degree:
According to Section 56 of Act No. 131/2002 on Higher Education, the basic condition for admission to the Bachelor's Degree is the acquisition of a complete secondary education.
Other conditions for admission to the bachelor's programme:
The admission procedure takes place without the applicants being present personally. The applicants will be admitted without an entrance examination if they fulfil the basic conditions for admission to the bachelor's degree (see Basic admission requirement).
If the number of applicants exceeds the planned number for admission, the secondary school results (the average of the annual report grades and the result of the final examination) will be taken into account for admission.
In case of an insufficient number of applicants for the study programme, the dean may offer applicants the possibility of studying on another study programme where there is a higher number of applicants and there is a possibility of its opening.
The application form is submitted electronically via the University's information system via the following link: E-application form to study at TUZVO
The application form does not need to be printed or mailed!
The foreign student follows the information on the TUZVO website:
Recognition of foreign diplomas
The administrative fee for the admission procedure for Bachelor's studies:
electronic application - 35,00 €
Account name: Technical University of Zvolen
Bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
Account number IBAN: SK1981800000007000271101
Variable symbol: number generated by the University's information system on the electronic application form (top right of the application form)
The graduate of the study programme Forestry at the bachelor's level of education possesses knowledge in the field of forest ecosystems, knows the basic concepts and principles of forest ecosystems in all its components (forest environment and biota, especially the tree component), in the field of study of forestry at the bachelor's level of study. He has practical and methodological knowledge of the biological, production-technological, economic, ecological and environmental principles of forestry, which serves as a basis for practice. Graduates will find employment in the practice of forestry, state administration bodies of forestry and several related disciplines, which are oriented to the solution of forestry problems, and ecological and economic use of forests as a basic component of the landscape and the environment. Most of the graduates of the first degree continue their further studies in the field of forestry (adaptive forestry) or applied zoology and wildlife management.
Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management:
The Bachelor's study programme Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management is aimed at educating specialists who will have basic knowledge in the field of forestry and will be prepared to solve practical tasks and problems of hunting management, management and protection of wildlife populations, creation and protection of forest and field environment of game. Their profile is therefore aimed at acquiring the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and knowledge of biological, technical and economic disciplines of a general and special nature in the field of applied zoology, forestry, creation and use of agricultural landscapes. Graduates of the bachelor's degree in the study programme Applied Zoology and Hunting will find employment at lower levels of management as employees in state administration bodies within the scope of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, district offices and district offices in the seat of the region, employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, employees of branch plants of the Slovak Republic Forestry, š.p. Banská Bystrica (branch plants, forest administrations, forest districts) in the functions of hunting managers, employees of the organizational components of the Slovak Hunting Chamber, Slovak Hunting Association and other hunting organizations, in the private sector (game farms, pheasant farms, game farms, cynology, weapons and ammunition, hunting tourism), workers in aquaculture, in the State Nature Conservation Service and national park administrations as rangers, as experts in monitoring populations of animal species under the EEC Habitats Directive and the EEC Birds Directive and in assessing the favourable status of these species in relation to the EU NATURA 2000 programme. The vast majority of the graduates of the study programme continue their studies at the 2nd level in the study programme Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management or Adaptive Forestry.
Enrollment process information - Master's study academic year 2025/2026
Offer of study programmes, forms of study and planned number of admissions
The Faculty of Forestry offers Master studies in 4 study programmes (SP). The length of the study in the full-time form (FT) is 2 years, as well as in the part-time form (PT). The part-time form is charged per academic year (see https://www.tuzvo.sk/sk/skolne-poplatky-spojene-so-studiom). Graduates acquire the degree of master of Science (Ing.).
Study program | form of study | degree | length of the study | admission plan |
Adaptive Forestry |
Ing. |
2/2 |
80/20 |
Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management |
Ing. |
2/2 |
30/20 |
Forest Ecology |
FT |
Ing. |
2 |
15 |
Geoinformation and Mapping Techniques in Forestry |
FT |
Ing. |
2 |
15 |
Basic conditions for admission to Master studies.
The basic conditions for admission to a Master's study program are a bachelor's university degree or a master's university degree. The basic condition for admission to an engineering or master's programme is that you have completed at least the first cycle of university studies.
The sum of the credits obtained in the previous education and the number of credits required for the proper completion of the master's study programmes for which the applicant is applying shall be at least 300.
Other admission requirements for engineering studies
Applications must be submitted exclusively electronically at https://is.tuzvo.sk/prihlaska/.
Required attachments to the application form:
- CV of the applicant,
- payment of the admission fee,
- a certified copy of the diploma from the Bachelor or Master education,
- a separate application form must be submitted for each study programme
In the academic year 2025/2026, graduates of the Bachelor's studies in the field of Forestry may be admitted to the Master study programmes without an entrance examination.
The application form is submitted electronically via the University's information system via the following link: E-application form to study at TUZVO
The application form does not need to be printed or mailed!
The foreign student follows the information on the TUZVO website:
Recognition of foreign diplomas
The administrative fee for the admission procedure for Bachelor's studies:
electronic application - 35,00 €
Account name: Technical University of Zvolen
Bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
Account number IBAN: SK1981800000007000271101
Variable symbol: number generated by the University's information system on the electronic application form (top right of the application form)
Graduates of the 2nd degree of the study programme Adaptive Forestry will gain an expanding knowledge of the functioning and principles of forest ecosystems in all its components (forest environment and biota, especially the tree component), their mutual interaction, cultivation and forest management as well as forest protection, use of natural resources together with economic principles of forest management and principles of environmental protection. The graduate is able to apply this knowledge in solving practical forest management tasks, decision-making and management activities in a way that confirms the understanding of all contexts and implications and is able to propose and implement alternative and adaptive solutions based on theoretical knowledge and the actual state of forest stands, taking into account nature-friendly forms of management as well as economic principles of forest production. Graduates of this specialization will be in demand and needed for forestry practice. The composition of subjects, forms and methods of study will enable graduates of the study programme to have the necessary knowledge and experience to be able to ensure not only the optimal use of forest resources in forestry practice, but also to fully use methodological and legislative tools of forest management to increase the stability and protection of forest ecosystems from natural disasters at regional and international level in the forests of the temperate zone of Europe.
The graduate of study programme Applied zoology and wildlife management has, in addition to knowledge and skills in the field of forestry, a deeper knowledge of the issues of sustainable hunting management in the conditions of the market economy with application to modern ecological and conservation functions of hunting, protection and management of game and higher animals. The knowledge covers in particular the relations "game - forest - agricultural landscape", habitats of the most important forest and game species, their creation and revitalisation, commercial problems and management of hunting, methods of breeding and care of game, including veterinary care (game, farm and free-range breeding), protected animals and methods of their conservation management.Graduates of the engineering degree in the study programme Applied Zoology and Hunting will find employment at higher levels of management as employees in state administration bodies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, district offices and district offices in the seat of the region, employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, employees of branch plants of the Slovak Republic Forests, š.p. Banská Bystrica (branch plants, forest administrations, forest districts) in the functions of hunting managers, employees of the organisational components of the Slovak Hunting Chamber, the Slovak Hunting Association and other hunting organisations, in the private sector (game farms, pheasant farms, game farms, cynology, weapons and ammunition, hunting tourism), workers in aquaculture, in the State Nature Conservation Service and national park administrations as professional staff, in particular zoologists and foresters, experts in monitoring populations of animal species under the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive and in assessing the favourable status of these species in relation to the EU NATURA 2000 programme.
The profile of the graduate in Forest Ecology includes the ability to analyse and solve the tasks of forest ecosystem care with emphasis on a wide range of non-productive functions and their sustainability in the conditions of Slovakia as well as the wider area of the temperate zone of Europe. Considering current societal and global challenges (global climate change, global strategy to halt biodiversity loss, efforts to maximise carbon sequestration by natural ecosystems, legislative anchoring of ecosystem services in Slovakia and other EU countries, etc.), the study programme also covers evolving integrated approaches to optimal use of forest resources, building forest management capacity for protection against natural disasters, and development of ecosystem services at regional, supra-regional, and international levels. Upon successful completion of their studies, graduates will be prepared to address current issues and challenges related to forestry, land use and nature conservation. The profile of the graduate of the Forest Ecology Department will enable his/her full-fledged employment in forestry practice, in a number of departmental organizations, as well as in other related sectors of agriculture, environment and nature conservation. Graduates are best placed to work in the management of forests in large protected areas, in Natura 2000 sites of European importance and in the management of habitat types of European importance. Thanks to the wide range of subjects they have studied, they will be able to work as an executive professional in the field as well as in the position of a business manager. Continuing language training in world languages and a professional level of knowledge guaranteed by top internationally renowned scientists will enable graduates to apply in the same spectrum of fields abroad and/or to continue their doctoral studies and successfully apply in internationalized science and research.
The graduate of the study programme Geoinformation and Mapping techniques in Forestry is prepared to solve current ecological, technical and economic problems of forestry using modern geoinformation technologies and procedures in close relation to sustainable use of renewable natural resources, optimization of land use and environmental protection.
The graduate is able to analyse, design, plan and manage solutions to complex spatial tasks in the field of sustainable forestry, precision forestry, nature-based forest management and related areas on the basis of new sources of high-resolution geographic data, advanced geographic data processing techniques and spatial decision support. The graduate's professional profile is therefore aimed at acquiring a comprehensive body of knowledge in the field of forestry complemented by knowledge and skills in the areas of geographic data collection, geodesy, remote sensing, geographic analysis, cartography, geographic data processing and provision. Graduates of the study programme will also have adequate knowledge, abilities and skills in application areas with an emphasis on agriculture, environmental protection, natural resources and landscape management, building and use of national spatial data infrastructure, management of geographic information systems, state administration and self-government. He is sufficiently creative and independent, while the knowledge acquired will enable him to manage teams of workers. Graduates of the study programme Geoinformation and Mapping Techniques in Forestry can apply in all areas where it is necessary to collect, process, store and use geographic information, especially in soil management (forestry, agriculture), nature and environmental protection, management of natural resources and landscape. The graduate will be competent to collect geographic information by ground methods and remote sensing means, apply geoinformatics procedures to solve tasks, manage geographic databases, use mapping web services for the needs of forest enterprises, the National Forestry Centre, tax offices, state administration, local government, research and educational institutions, as well as business entities in the field of collection and processing of geographic data. Graduates will also have comprehensive preparation for doctoral studies and further lifelong learning.
Enrollment process information - PhD study, academic year 2025/2026
General Information
The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies is a university master degree. Studies are organised in full-time and part-time form.
List of theses for academic year 2025/2026
- Forest Ecology (in the Slovak and English language)
- Forest Ecosystem Services (in the Slovak and English language)
- Forest Management (in the Slovak and English language)
- Forest Phytology (in the Slovak and English language)
You can apply only via electronic application https://is.tuzvo.sk/prihlaska/ till 31.05.2025.
The admission fee for all study programmes is 35 €. The fee is non-refundable as it is related to the organisation of the admission procedure.
Payment should be made exclusively by bank transfer (do not pay by postal order!) to the account:
Account name: Technical University of Zvolen
IBAN: SK 19 8180 0000 0070 0027 1101
Variable symbol: number generated by the University's information system
Constant symbol: 0308
SEPA payment and payment from abroad:
IBAN account number: SK 1981800000007000271101
Bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
Variable symbol: number generated by the University's information system
- CV
- university diploma, state examination certificate, or diploma supplement) - applicants who are completing their Master study this year will submit the evidence after graduation (at the latest one day before the entrance examinations)
- a framework project on the topic of the dissertation
- a list of professional and scientific works published so far
- proof of awards (certificates from international foreign language examinations, competitions, etc.)
- proof of professional experience
Applicants who have completed their studies at the Technical University of Zvolen do not need to provide documents proving that they have completed their Master studies.
Applicants who have received higher education abroad shall also deliver:
- official translation of the documents of the highest education into Slovak language (nostrification of documents)
- a certified photocopy of the decision on the recognition of foreign educational documents for academic purposes.
More information on the website of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic in the section – Recognition of foreign diplomas.
For more detailed information, please contact the Study Department of TUZVO, phone number: +421-45-5206521 - Ing. Alena Dorotová, email: alena.dorotova@tuzvo.sk
Admission procedure
According to the Act No. 131/2002 on Higher Education and the Study Regulations of the TU in Zvolen No. R -3637/2023, the admission procedure takes place in the form of a professional interview, which is focused on the applicant's ability to complete doctoral studies in connection with the chosen field of study or study programme and the topic of the thesis. The admission procedure will also take into account the applicant's professional and scholarly activities in terms of the Faculty's admission interview criteria for the academic year 2025/2026.
The number of students admitted to full-time study depends on the number of places allocated and the quality of applicants. The number of students admitted to the part-time of study depends on the capacity of the supervisors, the success of the supervisors in the previous period and the quality of the applicants. The admission procedure for doctoral studies always includes an entrance examination.
Applicants will be assessed in the following categories:
- Arithmetic mean of results for courses taken during the Master level of education:
points 0-2: 2 points - mean from 1,0 to 1,75
1 point - mean from 1,75 to 2,5
0 points - mean more than 2,5
- The arithmetic mean of the results of the state final examinations taken at the Master level of education:
points 0-2: 2 points - mean from 1,0 to 1,5
1 point - mean from 1,5 to 2,0
0 points - mean more than 2,0
- Participation of applicant on the student scientific conference during the Master level of education
points 0-2: 2 points - ranked on 1., 2. and 3. place
1 point - active participation
- Publication activities: *
points 0-3: 3 points - for (co) authorship on the publications in the CC database
2 points - for (co) authorship on the publications except abstracts
1 point - for abstracts published in conference proceedings
- Participation on foreign internships:
points 0-2: 1 point - short-term internships (up to 1 month);
2 points - long-term internships (more than 1 month);
- Professional interview
points 0-15
- Verification of English language skills:
points 0-5
The maximum number of points an applicant may obtain is 31.
As a prerequisite for admission to the doctoral programme, applicants must obtain at least 1 point in the verification of English language skills and at least 1 point in the professional interview. Verification of English language proficiency takes place in front of the admissions committee in a professional interview, which is conducted at least partially in English, in the presence of an authorised employee of the Institute of Foreign Languages of TUZVO.
Explanatory notes:
* In case the applicant submits publications falling into more than one category, only the publication with the highest score will be counted. If the publication has not yet been published, proof of acceptance (e.g. an email from the editorial office) must be provided.
The above criteria apply to all study programmes in the PHD study in both full-time and part-time form (except for the English language programme) in terms of the current accreditation.
Study programmes in English are intended primarily for foreign applicants, their admission method will be in accordance with the organizational directive TUZVO No. 2/2013 "Admission procedure and conditions of study of foreign students at TU Zvolen". The basic condition for the admission of foreign students to the study programme of the third degree is the completion of the study programme of the second degree (Master).