The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they cover all the spheres of forest ecosystem management from the viewpoint of society´s demands for production and non-production functions of forests.
A key moment of the given study programme is an ecosystem approach to managing and directing forest ecosystems in reality on the basis of the terrain data obtained when analysing and solving case studies of demonstrational objects presenting a transition from the forest age classes system to managed free silviculture, to adaptive forest ecosystems. Another significant fact is a transition from the traditional approaches to forest management into the ecosystem approaches as an essential condition for sustainable forest management. With this orientation focused on adaptive forestry, the graduates of this study programme will be capable of planning and conducting forest management not only at a level of forest stands but complexly at a level of forest units. The composition of subjects, forms of study enable the graduates of this study programme to obtain the knowledge and experience necessary for providing not only the optimum use of forest sources, but also fully use of the forest management capacity for forest ecosystem protection against natural catastrophes at regional and international levels in the area of the forests of the European temperate zone.