Kandidáta na dekana volí volebné zhromaždenie, ktoré sa ustanovuje tak, že AS LF TUZVO ako celok tvorí tri štvrtiny volebného zhromaždenia a zvyšnú štvrtinu tvoria osoby vymenované rektorom Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene.
Lehota na podávanie návrhov na kandidáta na dekana Lesníckej fakulty Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene sa určuje od 18. 03. 2024 do 19. 04. 2024 do 12:00 hod.
Právo navrhovať kandidátov do volieb kandidáta na dekana Lesníckej fakulty Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene majú členovia akademickej obce Lesníckej fakulty Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene. Návrh musí obsahovať:
a) vyhlásenie kandidáta, že súhlasí so svojou kandidatúrou,
b) stručný odborný životopis kandidáta,
c) čestné vyhlásenie kandidáta, že spĺňa zákonné predpoklady na výkon funkcie dekana,
d) súhlas navrhovaného kandidáta so spracúvaním a zverejnením osobných údajov (vrátane životopisu) na účel kandidatúry na dekana,
e) meno, priezvisko a podpis navrhovateľa, resp. navrhovateľov.
Návrhy v písomnej podobe sa doručujú najneskôr do 19. 04. 2024 do 12:00 hod. predsedovi volebnej komisie, ktorým je predseda AS LF TUZVO, v zalepenej obálke s označením "Návrh kandidáta na dekana LF TUZVO" osobne, poštou alebo prostredníctvom podateľne na nasledujúcu adresu:
doc. Ing. Martin Lieskovský, PhD.
predseda AS LF TUZVO
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
Ak návrh nebude obsahovať všetky prílohy, navrhovaný kandidát nebude zaradený do zoznamu kandidátov na funkciu dekana Lesníckej fakulty Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene.
Vo Zvolene 06. 03. 2024
doc. Mgr. Ing. Rastislav Šulek, PhD.
predseda AS LF TUZVO
The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen (hereinafter also "AS LF TUZVO") pursuant to Art. 43 par. 2 of the Statute of the Technical University in Zvolen no. R – 84/2023 in conjunction with Art. 9 par. 2 of the Statute of the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen no. R – 4626/2023 announces the repeated election of a candidate for the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen for the term from 2024 to 2028 to take place on 14th May 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in lecture room B8 at the Technical University in Zvolen, T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 01 Zvolen.
The candidate for the Dean is elected by the assembly responsible for administering election processes, which is established in such a way that AS LF TUZVO makes up three-quarters of the assembly and the remaining quarter is made up of members appointed by the Rector of the Technical University in Zvolen.
The period for submitting proposal for the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen is set from 18th March 2024 to 19th April 2024 until 12:00 p.m.
Members of the Academia of the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen have the right to propose candidates for the election of the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen. The proposal must include:
a) the candidate's declaration of agreement with the candidacy,
b) candidate’s brief professional CV,
c) candidate’s statutory declaration that he meets the legal prerequisites for the performance of the Dean’s function,
d) candidate’s agreement on personal data (including CV) processing and publishing for the purpose of candidacy,
e) name, surname, and signature of the proposer or proposers.
Written proposals shall be delivered no later than on 19th April 2024 at 12:00 p.m. to the Chair of the electoral commission, who is the Chair of AS LF TUZVO, in a sealed envelope labelled "Candidate Proposal for the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry of the TUZVO" in person, by post or through the registry office at the following address:
doc. Ing. Martin Lieskovský, PhD.
Chair of AS LF TUZVO
Technical University in Zvolen
T. G. Masaryk 24
960 01 Zvolen
If the proposal does not contain all the required annexes, the proposed candidate will not be included in the list of candidates for the position of the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry of the Technical University in Zvolen.
In Zvolen on 6th March 2024
doc. Mgr. Ing. Rastislav Šulek, PhD.
Chair of AS LF TUZVO