According to clause 7 section c) of the Faculty Statute the Scientific Board is the faculty academic municipality body. Competence of the Scientific Board is determined by § 30 of the Bill No. 131/2002 Coll. on universities.
Members of Scientific Board of the Faculty of Forestry TU in Zvolen for period from 1.1.2024 till 31.12.2027
External members
prof. Ing. Jaroslav Červený, CSc.
Ing. Ladislav Kulla
RNDr. Ľubica Ditmarová, PhD.
Ing. Tomáš Dražil, PhD.
prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Jankovský
Ing. Jozef Jendruch, PhD.
prof. Ing. Róbert Marušák, PhD.
prof. Ing. Marko Halo, PhD.
PaedDr. Imrich Šuba, PhD.